
Entrevistas con directores de cine fantástico

Antología comprende un total de cincuenta y dos entrevistas realizadas a otros tantos cineastas que, en mayor o menor medida, han desarrollado o desarrollaron sus respectivas trayectorias profesionales dentro de los parámetros del género fantástico. Cada una de estas entrevistas viene acompañada de una aproximación, a modo de introducción a cineastas poseedores, en buena parte de los casos, de una personalidad cinematográfica bien marcada. Del valor historicista de este volumen razona por sí solo el hecho que aglutine una amplia representación de directores que con el devenir de los años han pasado a ocupar la categoría de clásicos (Joe Dante, Richard Fleischer, Walter Hill, Tobe Hooper, Neil Jordan y George A. Romero, entre otros), de cineastas de culto en una elevada proporción (Larry Cohen, Don Coscarelli, Stuart Gordon, Curtis Harrington, Jack Sholder y Brian Yuzna, entre otros muchos) y en un porcentaje considerablemente menor adscritos al rango de “malditos” (Alex Cox, Jesús Franco y Richard Stanley por citar tan solo tres ejemplos).

This anthology includes a total of fifty-two interviews with as many directors who, to a greater or lesser extent, have developed or developed their respective professional careers within the parameters of the fantastic genre. Each of these interviews is accompanied by an approach, as an introduction to filmmakers who possess, in many cases, a well-defined cinematographic personality. The historical value of this volume is explained by the fact that it brings together a broad representation of directors who over the years have come to occupy the category of classics (Joe Dante, Richard Fleischer, Walter Hill, Tobe Hooper, Neil Jordan and George A. Romero, among others), of “cult” filmmakers in a high proportion (Larry Cohen, Don Coscarelli, Stuart Gordon, Curtis Harrington, Jack Sholder and Brian Yuzna, among many others) and in a considerably smaller percentage assigned to the rank of «cursed» (Alex Cox, Jesús Franco and Richard Stanley to name just three examples). The fantastic genre specialists Àlex Aguilera, José Luis Salvador Estébenez and Carlos Durbán have been in charge of providing an essential work for all those ready to approach the thinking of filmmakers of different generations from different latitudes who have contributed and continue to contribute (in good part of the cases with special mention for a wide representation of filmmakers from the Spanish country) to strengthen the foundations of the Seventh Art in its fantastic derivative.

Información adicional

Peso 1,1 kg
Autor / Es

Àlex Aguilera, José Luis Salvador Estébenez, Carlos Durbán

Cantidad de páginas




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